Board Memeber
Favorite Sister City: Jincheon, South Korea
Hometown: South Korea
Current: Vallejo California
Being involved with the Vallejo Sister City Association for the last 20 years has made me realize what true volunteerism is. My involvement and serving two terms as the president, has taught me to look beyond our skin color and to appreciate all cultures. I absolutely love how we celebrate and appreciate different cultures through our various exchanges and programs. In a World where we often are surrounded by hate and division, we overlook the gift of humankind, I love being in an organization who prides in educating the community about the various cultures to promote peace.
Our humanitarian travels this summer to Mexico arose my compassion to help those in need. They say a simple act of showing compassion can make a world of difference but seeing how happy a child can be with just a simple gesture truly made me thank God for all the blessings in my life. I hope to make a difference in our community as well by continuing my efforts to educate and spread the various cultures Vallejo Sister City Association has adopted and will adopt as we move forward.