Jincheon, South Korea
In 1999 Jincheon Mayor Kim Kyeong-Hoe, during a visit to the Bay Area, was introduced to Vallejo Mayor Gloria Exline by William Kim, a…
Akashi, Japan
In 1968, while on a visit to Japan, Berkeley Mayor Wallace Johnson met Akashi Mayor Masao Yoshikawa who expressed an interest in establishing a…
La Spezia, Italy
In June 1985, the Commission recommended the City consider inviting a sister city relationship with a city in Italy. City officials warmed to the…
Trondheim, Norway
In 1958, Mayor Wilfred Hewitt proposed that Vallejo join the sister city movement by adopting a foreign city of comparable size as a sister…
Baguio City, Philippines
Members of Vallejo’s active Philippine-American community began formal requests for the formation of a sister city relationship with a Philippine city as early…
Bagamoyo, Tanzania
Augustus and Carol Browning were among the first proponents for the creation of a sister city relationship with an African city. As early as…