Board Member
Chair, La Spezia ITALY
Favorite Sister City: I love all of the Sister Cities that I have visited for different reasons and I have visited all but Trondheim, Norway.
Hometown: Burlington, North Carolina
Current: Vallejo, California since 1978
Vallejo Sister City Association is so important because there is a need to keep our effort for a peaceful world in the forefront of our minds, and what better group to do that than us.My passion is to have all of us, especially our board members, work for the good and cohesiveness of all our sister city efforts and not just their favorite. This work has impacted my life by making me more aware of what is going on around the world. I’ve had the opportunity to see how this works impacts the lives of people, through sister city visits and exchanges. The impact has even been felt in my family and home over the last 30 years. From homestays exchanges with Japan to humanitarian trips to East Africa and Mexico. My thoughts are forever changed when I read the newspapers or hear news reported.